Faculty Research Areas


Aaron Bronfman
Formal epistemology, imperfect rationality, introspection

Al Casullo
Priori knowledge, modal knowledge, intuitions

David Henderson
Naturalized epistemology, internalism/externalism, social epistemology, testimony, disagreement, virtue theory

Wade Munroe
Philosophy of cognitive science, epistemology, and the philosophy of language


Aaron Bronfman
Metaethics, normative language, practical reasoning

John Brunero
Ethics and metaethics (especially reasons, rational requirements, and instrumental rationality)

Joe Mendola
Normative ethics, metaethics

Mark van Roojen
Ethics, metaethics, political philosophy

History of Philosophy

Harry Ide
Ancient and medieval philosophy, especially metaphysics

Jennifer McKitrick
Early modern metaphysics

Colin McLear
History of modern, especially Kant


Reina Hayaki
Modality, fiction

Harry Ide
Ancient and medieval metaphysics, especially theories of universals

Jennifer McKitrick
Causal powers, sex and gender

Joe Mendola
Mental content, perception, beliefs and desires

Mind and Language

Ed Becker
Philosophy of language, Quine

Colin McLear
Consciousness, mental content, perception

Joe Mendola
Mental content, perception, beliefs and desires

Wade Munroe
Philosophy of cognitive science, epistemology, and the philosophy of language

Philosophy of Science

David Henderson
Philosophy of social science, explanation, interpretation of cultures, social norms, simulation

Jennifer McKitrick
Metaphysics of science

Joe Mendola
Philosophy of physics

Wade Munroe
Philosophy of cognitive science, epistemology, and the philosophy of language

  1. Avatar for Aaron Bronfman
    Associate Professor
  2. Avatar for John Brunero
    Robert Chambers Distinguished Professor
  3. Avatar for Reina Hayaki
    Associate Professor
  4. Avatar for Harry Ide
    Associate Professor
  5. Avatar for Colin McLear
    Associate Professor
  6. Avatar for Wade Munroe
    Assistant Professor