John Brunero
Robert Chambers Distinguished Professor Philosophy University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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LPH 315L
Lincoln NE 68588-0321 - Phone
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Professor Brunero teaches courses in moral and legal philosophy, at both the undergraduate and graduate level. He specializes in ethics and metaethics, focusing on questions concerning reasons and rationality. His book, Instrumental Rationality, was published by Oxford University Press in 2020. In 2016, he was awarded the American Philosophical Association’s Article Prize for the “best article published in the previous two years by a younger scholar” for his paper “Cognitivism about Practical Rationality” (Oxford Studies in Metaethics, v. 9; Oxford University Press). In AY 2013-2014, Brunero was a Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellow in the Center for Human Values at Princeton University. Brunero is a Past President of the Central States Philosophical Association, and an Associate Editor at both The Journal of Ethics and Ergo. At UNL, he is currently the Graduate Chair in the Philosophy Department, a member of Dean’s Executive Committee in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Vice-President of UNL’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.
- Ph.D., Columbia University, 2006
- B.A., Colby College, 1998
Representative publications:
“The Primacy of the Practical” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, forthcoming.
"Hypocrisy and Conditional Requirements," Australasian Journal of Philosophy, forthcoming.
"Intention Persistence," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 104 (May 2022): 747-768.
"Reasons and Defeasible Reasoning," Philosophical Quarterly, 72 (January 2022):41-64.
Instrumental Rationality: The Normativity of Means-Ends Coherence (Oxford University Press, 2020)