Jean Cahan
Philosophy University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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OLDH 505
Lincoln NE 68588-0321 - Phone
Dr. Cahan has published on Spinoza, modern Jewish philosophy and Marx. Her research interests include philosophy of religion and philosophy of history.
Representative publications:
"Spinoza's Theory of Immanence Reconsidered,"& ;Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, Vol. 5 (1995).
"The Jewish Settler Movement and the Concept of Fundamentalism," in: Simon Wood and David Harrington Watt (eds.), Fundamentalism: Perspectives on a Contested History (University of South Carolina Press, 2013).
Cahan, Jean, ed. Water Security in the Middle East: Essays in Scientific and Social Cooperation (London, Anthem Press, December 2016).
“National Identity and the Limits of Constructivism in International Relations Theory: A Case Study of the Suez Canal,” Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 5/2 (2019).
Cahan, Jean. Szatmár Story: A Family Narrative from the Shoah, With Some Reflections on Its Meaning (Bloomington: Archway Publishing, 2022).